Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Season is Winding Down

Well, its August and it won't be long before I'm back in Georgia. The internet has not been what I would have hoped for, but the trip has! Even though this journey has been VERY VERY hard without Wendel by my side, it has been a good one! I have seen alot and learned alot and I know that Wendel and I are doing the right thing, but making our plans to move to Alaska. This is where the Lord wants us - I feel sure of that! Even though our plans seem to be changing sometimes daily, I know this is our final destination. I'm at peace with that fact.

I hope to have more blog enties soon,I'm currently having trouble with the slideshow program I'm using or I would have one now, please be patient and have a great rest of the summer!

Happy Trails!
