Thursday, June 23, 2016

Getting There  . . . 
To put this in perspective, the trip to our new place is about 20 miles from where we live and it's 3 miles off the road system.  You travel thru 2 bogs(wet areas) and 3 sets of woods on trails to get there.  It takes about a hour to get there in ideal conditions.   The first two pictures were of us taking in our first supplies.    What follows are pictures taken the first winter we had the property.  We got lucky and the winter was mild, but cold enough to freeze the bogs with only a little snow.  Why is that lucky?  It allowed us to drive out in our jeep instead of 4-wheeling or snowmobiling --   which at this time we didn't own a snow mobile.  These are pictures of the trail route that we take and how we get supplies in.  Enjoy!

Loading at the parking lot

Entering trail

Entering the 1st Bog


Entering 2nd Bog

Entering Sub

Coming in the driveway

Unloading at property