Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How's the weather?

Sorry, it’s been awhile since I have updated the blog, just been busy with life. Here are some slideshows to catch you up on what’s been happening here. It’s close to Christmas and we have mailed off our packages and are settling in for the winter.
It’s been nice here for the most part so far. We had a week of single digit temperatures, it even got to 1 degree, but it REALLY wasn’t that bad, REALLY! We had a week of slushy wet weather and that was a pain to deal with! The snow would melt on the roads, because it warmed up in the high 20’s and low 30’s during the day then freeze again at night. This made for slick roads and driveways – not good! Lately, we have had good dry weather. We are starting to get more snow this week, but no rain, thank goodness!
The sunrises and sunsets are incredible here – you’ll see in one of the slideshows, but pictures do not do them justice!! It is getting close to winter solstice and thus the shortest day of the year on December 21st. After that, the days will start to get longer. We are now having a sunrise around 10AM and a sunset around 4PM. We have twilight for about 45 minutes to an hour before sunrise as well as sunset. That’s when we have those beautiful skies!
Living in Alaska is definitely different, but it seems to suit us both! We are enjoying the weather, the people, the scenery and being together! What more could you ask for!!

Happy Trails!


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Winter in Alaska

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Magical Wonderland

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Merry Christmas

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Monday, September 21, 2009

How to's for the blog

For those of you that might be new to the blog here are instructions on how this blog works. For those who've been here before, I should have added this post earlier -- sorry. Better late than never! Anyway, the way we do this blog is to add a text version of the info we want to share and then name the slideshow the same name, therefore; you will see many times two of the same thing listed, but one is pictures and one is text. Hope this has not been too confusion for those who have looked before. Also I have found that the slideshows will sometimes load the pictures slowly, probably based on how fast your internet speed is, so please be patient. Hopefully it won't be too bad for you. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

New pics from Homer

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"The Outhouse Project"

We moved into our new cabin at the end of July, shortly afterwards Wendel decided that we needed to dig a new outhouse hole. The previous owner had used the cabin as a summer place and I guess didn’t dig a very deep hole, so we (mostly Wendel) started digging our new hole toward the end of August mostly on the weekends. There was a lot of digging and hauling of dirt ( I did most of the hauling) and ten feet and a few weekends later, we had our new hole and all that remained was to move the outhouse off of the old hole onto the new one. Now, for those who do not know this, the outhouse building is put on skids for just such an occasion. This makes the move easier when you need to move it and it did. Wendel got a metal pole to put across the back of the building then attached cables to each side. He attached the cable to a come-a-long and hooked it to the jeep. Then we pulled ever so slowly and inched the build away from the old hole, turned it and inched toward the new hole. About two hours later, we were putting the finally touches on moving everything back into the outhouse and it was ready to use. We can now add this to our list of things we now have mastered in life!

Happy Trails!

"The Outhouse Project"

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Friday, August 28, 2009

New "Buddy" Update

Well the Lord works in mysterious ways alright! Buddy - real name Samson is back with Wendel and I. His owner decided she could no longer take care of him due to some recent changes in her life and asked us to take him back. He came home with me yesterday and I am happy to report he is happy and healthy! Soo greetings from Alaska from Wendel, Sandy and Samson!

Happy Trails!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Buddy Update

I am sorry to say that we no longer have Buddy. His real "mom" had been out of town and her husband was the one who dumped the dog. The woman is now getting a divorce, not just because of this, and Buddy (real name Samson) was reunited with her last night. We are happy for them, but sad for us -- he is a great dog and we will miss him very much.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hello from the End of the Road, Alaska

We have been in Alaska for several months now and I am sorry it has taken this long to add these next few posts. I hope you enjoy a glimpse into our new life here in Homer, Alaska. Hope all is well in the South. Take care and if your ever up this way -- we would love to see ya!!

Happy Trails

Sandy and Wendel

Welcome Buddy

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Welcome Buddy

Please help us welcome Buddy!! The newest addition to the White family. A friend of ours found him, he got dropped off in her neighborhood. As far as we know, he's about 5-6 years old, has a wonderful personality and is hugh!! He weighs 102 pounds, the vet says he's about 10 pounds over weight. We think he is a Great Pyrenees/Shepard/ Malamute mix???? We weren't going to keep him, because he is so big, but after only 2 days, he won our hearts and we coouldn't give him up. He is definitely an outside dog and is ready for winter, with his extra coat of fur. We have been wanting a new pup for a while and I guess now was a good time for us and Buddy!! Welcome Buddy!!

Living the Dream

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Our Dream Being Realized

We've been in Homer for a few months now and are really loving it! The scenery in breathtaking -- the people are friendly and we have just settled into a new place out just past the store where Wendel works.

We both have great jobs -- NO STRESS! and since the house in Goergia hasn't sold yet and we have to work -- it might as well be fun! I work at a rental car place in the airport --yes, I'm still dealing with tourists, but just for the summer!! During the winter it will just be gov't and business people. Wendel has the fun job working at a log cabin general store, that has a post office, grocery, great deli, movie rental and liqour store. It's called Fritz Creek General Store and is about 8 miles out East End Road. For those of you who know about the End of the Road radio shows of Tom Bodett -- He's talking about Homer, Alaska. Going out East End Road is as far South as you can go in Alaska!! --period -- no more road!! The road ends about ten miles past the store.

Our new place is rustic -- It's a one room cabin, we bring in our water, don't have electricity, use propane for cooking and heat, and yes, we have an out house!! Wendel has rigged a gravity flow water system and the man who built the cabin already had a solar hot-water heater, so we have an outside shower. We plan on building a sauna with shower room, a greenhouse and a root cellar. This will allow us to try out alot of the things we wanted to experiement with before we bought land remote. Since we have to work, the cabin is on a road that is open year-round to town. Oh and Wendel and I are digging a new outhouse hole!!

I know you think we have lost it -- maybe so, maybe not -- but it makes us happy and there is no doubt that this is truly GOD's country and it is wonderful!! Keep you posted!

Happy Trails

Redoubt Volcano

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Redoubt Volcano

Redoubt Volcano blew it's top in March of this year just as we were getting to Homer. It rumbled a few more times and blew once more. It has now quieted down. Here are a few pictures of what the volcano looks like. This is a pretty neat site -- one that I will probably not experience again in my life time. The last time it blew before was in 1989. There are other volcanos in the area and these are part of the 'ring of fire" string of volcanos that goes as far as the Aleutian Islands.

Our Trip Across Country to Alaska

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Trip Across Country to Alaska

We left Georgia at the beginning of March of this year (2009) and traveled across country to Bellingham, Washington and boarded the Alaska Ferry to Homer, Alaska. We had a great trip through several states and saw some wonderful things. The seas got rough while we were on the ferry so, we got off the ship at Whitter, Alaska and drove the rest of the way to Homer (about 4 hours). We went through snow and volcanic ash fall, but made it to Homer on March 26, 2009. It was a long trip, but well worth it!! We love it here!! I hope you enjoy our journey in pictures, it is a little long, but I had to get four weeks worth of trip in. Enjoy the slideshow.