Thursday, September 17, 2009

"The Outhouse Project"

We moved into our new cabin at the end of July, shortly afterwards Wendel decided that we needed to dig a new outhouse hole. The previous owner had used the cabin as a summer place and I guess didn’t dig a very deep hole, so we (mostly Wendel) started digging our new hole toward the end of August mostly on the weekends. There was a lot of digging and hauling of dirt ( I did most of the hauling) and ten feet and a few weekends later, we had our new hole and all that remained was to move the outhouse off of the old hole onto the new one. Now, for those who do not know this, the outhouse building is put on skids for just such an occasion. This makes the move easier when you need to move it and it did. Wendel got a metal pole to put across the back of the building then attached cables to each side. He attached the cable to a come-a-long and hooked it to the jeep. Then we pulled ever so slowly and inched the build away from the old hole, turned it and inched toward the new hole. About two hours later, we were putting the finally touches on moving everything back into the outhouse and it was ready to use. We can now add this to our list of things we now have mastered in life!

Happy Trails!