Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The walls were next . . .

We bought some leftover spruce 1X8 siding from an older gentlemen here in town.  It is enough to cover all of the main interior walls and our bedroom walls.  We have used a whitewash effect when painting them, so they look weathered and worn like an old barn.

Our Bedroom

The interior walls look unfinished, but that's on purpose and we will add some shelving later.

Wendel built two light fixtures like the one above for our bedroom

The Den and Dining Room

The partial loft floor you see on the right will be removed and be replaced by the stairs

Wendel created this light out of black pipe and 1930's street lamps
The extension above is called a "pick" and allows us to work over the open area.  It will come down later.

The Kitchen

This is our temporary kitchen, we will bring antique furniture up from storage to furnish the kitchen and Wendel wants to get a commercial style stove.

Walls in upstairs loft