Saturday, May 31, 2008

I've made it and I can finally talk about it

Sorry for the delay in getting any postings up. We just got internet service running today (May 31st). I don’t know how reliable our service will be, so I will also be sending Wendel pictures and copy, so between the two of us will be try to keep you posted!

I left Augusta at 6:30am and arrived in Anchorage at 3:30pm local time (7:30pm Georgia time) on the 15th and had to stay over an extra day, because our lodge van was being worked on. My flights were good and all of my connections were on time. So we departed on the 17th for the 8 hour trip to the lodge. It was a nice trip with beautiful scenery. Different from my times visiting before, because there is still a lot of snow on the mountains.

Well, we arrived at the lodge and I started work on the 19th. Work is going great! We have had guests from France, Belgium, locals from Alaska as well as from the states. The weather has been great with the lows to begin with in the high 30’s and now in the 40’s and the highs in the mid 50’s to begin with to now the high 60’s or low 70’s for a few days. We are getting our real first rain yesterday (May 30th).
We’ve had 4 moose sightings and a few bear sightings since we arrived. There seems to be a juvenile bear that is wandering around up here. Hopefully he will move on before he gets into real trouble.
The sun sets about midnight now and rises about 3 to 4 am. I’ve pretty much gotten use to it and can go to sleep and wake up without it affecting me.